Vintage party hair with Yogi: Part 2
My name is Natalie Shirlaw, I've been hairdressing for around 20 years and have worked in some of London’s top salons. I'm currently working as a session hairstylist, which means I specialise in TV, film, grooming for premieres, photoshoots etc. I'm currently the “face” of Yogi hair products and I do the hair show on QVC for them too. I've just been booked for the Sony premiere “The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo” in December too so I'm very excited about that! My website is if you would like to read more about me.
Im really excited to bring some Christmas party looks for you through Playful Promises. I hope you enjoy them and find my step by step easy to achieve! I have enlisted the help of my client Sinead who is modelling for me; we met when I did her gorgeous vintage themed wedding in the summer in Whitstable and also my friend and fantastic photographer Samantha Jones who does beautiful wedding pictures – take a look at her website!
Check out our first tutorial here!
LOOK 2: Nightclub
A bristle brush
Widetooth comb
Wide grips
Step 1
I've done this look for you so you can be a bit different from your friends! I've been looking at girls on the tube etc and everyone is now able to do the side buns and ponytails that are in fashion, so I thought I’d give you something more adventurous to try! And again it’s a lot easier than it looks!
Again the first thing any hairdresser will tell you if you want to put hair up you need lots of texture in your hair, as it's much easier to mould into shapes. Sometimes it's easier if you try this on the 2nd day after washing as your hair will have some natural texture in it.
I used my Yogi fat barrel wand to create more lovely texture.
Step 2
Back comb the whole head by taking sections around the head and using that stroking backcomb method previous described here. You will be looking a bit scary when you’re done!
Step 3
Take a section from ear to ear so you have your hair in 2 sections, 1 in the front and 1 in the back. Brush the back section over to one side and pin as shown. Then fold the rest of the hair back into itself to create a cone shape and pin to the head with the wider hair pins. If this is too difficult you can just clip it with a long butterfly clip.
Step 4
Place the padding on the top of the head and secure with grips. Then take random sections and pin everything upward onto the padding. When you have something to pad your hair with it makes pinning so much easier as it gives it something to grip onto. Twist bits of hair round and pin until you get this lovely shape!
Good luck with styling and I hope you all look uber glam for your Christmas parties!